Are you eating for disease?

What you eat is one of the most important things to focus on if you want to be as healthy as possible. In particular, if you are trying to keep disease away, you are able to improve your chances by following a good, healthy diet. Pretty cool, right?! Here's some ideas on how you can keep disease away with good food! I bet you'll be amazed at how simple and easy it is to do this!

Go Raw!

In general, you are going to have a much stronger immune system, with the ability to fight off diseases much more effectively, if you are eating a lot of raw fruits and vegetables. The moment you cook a vegetable, it can lose a proportion of its nutrients and minerals. Eating raw is a great way to ensure you get all the benefits you possibly can from these foods. This is a very simple way to help boost your immune system and help keep diseases away.

However, if you're not yet used to eating lots of fruits and veggies daily, the first step is to eat produce any way you can. Then you can gradually move into eating more raw fruits and veggies.

10 minute detox salad

Try Paleo

You might have heard bout the Paleo diet. This diet aims to provide you with the nutrients and minerals you need in quite an interesting way. Basically, the idea is to eat only what you would have eaten as a hunter-gatherer. That means whole foods like plants and animals, nuts and seeds, and nothing else. The benefit of Paleo eating is that you reduce the inflammatory ingredients that are usually found in more refined food products.

It can be tricky to get into a Paleo diet, but with an increase in popularity, more and more Paleo-friendly recipes are cropping up everywhere, such as this Paleo traditional Korean dessert recipe. I also have several Paleo recipes here on the blog! You can start off gradually and see how you feel and then increase the number of Paleo meals you have each day. The Paleo diet could be a great eating plan for you, so give it a try today, or contact me if you need help implementing this into your daily life.

Everything Bagel Salad

Source Good Food

The quality of the food you eat is so important! Aim to try and source food which is as high quality as possible. That might be easier said than done, of course, but it is generally just a case of ensuring that you are shopping in the right places. For a lot of people, this can be tricky financially, but if you are able you can think about changing up your shopping habits a little. Shopping locally, such as at farmers markets, and generally going for good quality food can really help you to eat more nutrient dense food which will help keep diseases away.

Chocolate Coconut Chia Seed Pudding

Grow Your Own Veg

Growing your own veggies is not only incredibly rewarding, but also a fantastic way to get higher quality, and more nutrient dense produce onto your plate. It doesn’t get more locally-produced than that! If you are a keen gardener then this will be quite straightforward, but even if you're not, you can start small with growing some herbs in a windowsill or look for a community garden nearby that can be great source for gardening knowledge and guidance.

Another sneaky tip that I like to use: find out which of friends has a green thumb and is currently growing their own veg! They often have way more veggies than they can eat and may be happy to share some fresh produce with you. Once you try homegrown veg, you will be hooked!

These tips can help you keep disease away with good food! And they don't have to be drastic, expensive or a total 180 from where you are now. Start gradually and you'll see the benefits add up over time!

Looking for more ways to improve your immune system and keep disease away through the foods you eat? This is one of the topics I focus on in my 1:1 Nutrition and Energy Coaching. It is possible to use food as one of the methods to heal your body and finally have lasting and sustainable change to your health. Find out more about this by booking a Consultation Call with me at this link.

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