New Year 2022: Why I Do What I Do

A New Year's Message For You

I just heard an amazing win from my client in my group coaching program! She has lost almost 7 lbs in one month! That is amazing!

But even more amazing is that which she said next: "This is so awesome and extremely validating!"

But this validation didn't actually come from me. This validation came from herself. All the work came from her commitment to herself.

Isn't that the most amazing thing?!

And the thing that is even better than that is that she feels empowered.

She knows what is working for her, not just to feel better in her body, to have more energy and to have more self love - she is empowered with her nutrition.

That is why I do what I do.

This is what I love.

Empowering her to love her body to give it the nourishment she needs to feel and be her absolute best self.

Why I Do What I Do

I love hearing these amazing wins such as weight loss or feeling more energized but I love even more seeing women reconnect with their bodies and know what is best for them.

No longer do they need to look towards the latest fad diet - the answers lie within them. It is like seeing a lightbulb turn on behind their eyes. They can literally see themselves as if it is the first time. This realization is like solid gold. Because it means that some new future is possible. All because they have felt their own power.

I feel like this work is raising the consciousness of woman throughout the world and through their nutrition.

How amazing will it be to be able to feel fully empowered with your nutrition that you never have to go back to eeling lost or unsure or wondering why things are not working out?

Imagine your kids seeing that and knowing that this is actually how you're supposed to feel about your body and your nutrition.

You're actually supposed to know in your bones what works for you and to feel so sure and so confident that nothing will derail you. That is what I love about what I do. The mission of impacting women because I know it will affect their children and their children's children - generational impact for the greatest good of us all. That lights up my soul.

The compound effect, the wave of consciousness that rolls away from each of us and then impacts those around us. Everything we do is like that. So what if we were conscious with that and chose how we wanted our wave of impact to be and how that impact would crash into others all around us?

That would be pretty darn amazing!

That is why I do what I do. Because we always have a choice and we can always choose the path of the greatest good. When I can see the greatest good happening all around me, that is what I love. That is how I know that I am doing what I am meant to be doing. That is how I know I am doing what I love. Because I don't feel drained, I feel filled up and energized by all these amazing wins.

That is what I love.

My Mission for 2022

My mission for this year is to empower 100 women with their nutrition. This means helping you understand which foods work best for your body, and giving you the tools and techniques to help continue having sustainable healthy habits in your life.

If you'd like to have a game changing year for your health, please contact me for a FREE 20 minute Nutrition Consultation here.

This is your year to make a positive and long lasting change to your health! The time is now!


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